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Tiptoe through a fleeting moment

My work searches for different experiences with the fleeting nature of time.

Time often feels like our enemy, a fate we have no control over. Still time is always here amongst us. It is the space we create for her, the face we give her. Our experience of her presence.


My work is my effort to fight time's grip, to silence her by searching for a slower way of experiencing. But also to hold her hand and recognize her beauty as we grow and evolve with her. These moments that can feel short, unnoticed, vulnerable. Like a figure caught in a moment unaware of himself, a businessman daydreaming. This is how I experience these moments, as fragile and vulnerable, like a thin surface of ice that I walk on with careful concentration. Afraid to break the moment, but at the same time driven by my desire to immerse myself in it. Through painting I try to find the timeless elements that unite us universally, and bring them to the front. Globally, children play. People eat. We walk places. We wash ourselves. We sleep. I find beauty in this shared rythm of existing.

Born in Putten, the Netherlands 

Living and working in Arnhem,  the Netherlands


2020 – 2023





2016 - 2020

Bachelor Docent Beeldende Kunst en Vormgeving – Deeltijd OP MAAT, ArtEZ Hogeschool voor de Kunsten, Zwolle


Bachelor Fine Art - Painting

AKI ArtEZ University of the Arts

Enschede, The Netherlands

01 - 07/2019

Minor Fine Art

KiT Trondheim Academy of Fine Art

Trondheim, Norway



25/06 – 01/07, 2021




31/03 – 09/04, 2021





AKI Finals

AKI ArtEZ Hogeschool voor de Kunsten – Enschede

Graduation show Bachelor of Arts  


Expositie ‘’ALL INN’’

Het HEM – Zaandam


Mural Children’s Playground

Redding, California (United States)

Participant in volunteer project for Elementary School playground

01 - 03/12, 2017


Het Robson – Enschede, The Netherlands

Selected two-dimensional works for annual exhibition by AKI students

13 - 15/06, 2018

Group Exhibition

The Performance Factory – Enschede, The Netherlands

Exhibition of paintings in collaboration with two fellow students organized by SART Stichting Art Twekkelo


25 - 26/05, 2019

Solo Exhibition ‘’The Goldfish are Calling’’

Galleri Blunk - Trondheim, Norway

Solo Exhibition containing mixed mediums such as paintings, charcoal drawings and text

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